Apartment Marketing Ideas for Lease Up

Need apartment marketing ideas? We understand the difficulties that come with trying to increase apartment lease up rates. There can be an overwhelming amount of lease-up marketing tactics to sift through and determine which ones will work best for you. That’s why we’ve decided to show you 10 marketing ideas for apartment lease ups that will double your lease up rates in just 4 weeks!

These lease up marketing tips are helpful for any student or multifamily housing marketer — whether your community is an established property or still under construction. Make sure to check out our other blogs for more helpful marketing tips on apartment lease ups.




1. Focus on your brand promise (with social groups)

Social media isn’t just for teenagers and celebrities – it can help you grow your business too! 3.5 billion people around the world use social media. Creating professional social media sites will ensure that those people will see what you have to offer. Think of social media as your own digital bulletin board. Create groups for your residents, post about community events, and build something that others can share. And here’s a secret: Facebook is the most used social media of all. So, while it’s important to create pages for all different kinds of social media, start with Facebook and work your way up.


2. Engage with smart devices

Okay — maybe not smart devices only, but something your residents will care about! You can host live giveaways of Alexa or Google Home, a month of free daycare at the nearest location, or even gift cards to the best non-touristy restaurant within walking distance.

Here is a great example from one our clients, North 116 Flats:

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3. Use 3D content

What makes you different from all the other apartments will get you to that lease-up goal significantly quicker! Show off your amenities through 3D renderings. This is especially useful if your community is still under construction like these clients were:

You can also highlight your unique offerings through virtual reality or 2D animation. Here’s a video North 116 Flats had us create to highlight their rent-a-room policy:


4. Tap into influencers

We don’t mean Kim K — we’re talking about local influencers! Think about your target market and find people on various social channels who have that audience. Influencers love experiential marketing, and virtual reality (VR) is one of the best experiences you can offer.

20 virtual reality facts and statistics

Find some college vloggers or mommy bloggers and let them experience VR for their followers. They get the experience and you get the audience – win, win! Studies show that when users share content, they get 28% more engagement than when a company shares the same content. So really, it’s win, win, win.

User Generated Content gets 28% more engagement than brand posts.

We know VR can be an investment. To help you get even more out of that content, we put together this free download highlighting additional marketing tactics you could deploy VR through.


5. Orchestrate tennant takeovers

Takeovers are very popular on Instagram, TikTok, and even Snapchat. Check out this nice piece of user generated content from our client 848 Mitchell:


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If you don’t have a resident willing to make their own content, do it for them! Conduct a live interview on social, share their content, or even have them give a tour of their unit. You could even hire a production company to produce professional testimonials with your tenants, and share short clips on your social or post them as a blog on your site.




6. Showcase your floorplans

We don’t just mean those line drawings all your competitors are sharing. Take pride in your floorplans and make them a critical feature of your marketing like Centra from Fore Property did here:

FloorPlan B4 4k

Outside of just 3D rendered floor plans, you can hire a production studio *cough* Point in Time Studios *cough* produce a Matterport 360° tour of your units — Like what we did many of MJW Investments’ properties:

You can even get live-action. 360° videos created to showcase your space in use. Meanwhile, your competitors will still have the same four still pictures on their website. Here’s a 360° video we generate for Campus Living:

Floorplans can go a lot further than your website! Once you’ve collected content you’re proud of, download our free guide to lease-up marketing tactics for additional ways to use the content.


7. Level-Up your printed collateral

If you didn’t post it on instagram it didn’t happen, right? WRONG! Printed collateral can be a serious player in your apartment lease-up playbook! Give your future residents something they can hold onto and keep with them. Ensure you have stunning visuals and highlight your amenities. Basically, give them something they want to take home to show their mother, like Campion Lafayette did here:

We know figuring out what exactly to put in printed collateral can be tough — especially if your property is still under construction. That’s why we created a free resource to showcase some additional marketing collateral ideas.

8. Keep it local

Location, location, location. We know — it matters. So partner with your local restaurants and businesses to put that leveled up printed collateral to use! Hand them flyers, hang posters up in coffee shops, give them to anyone who is willing to take them (they should be so lucky anyway).


9. Get caught up in the feels

Not your feelings… your tenants’ feelings. People may say they are choosing an apartment for various reasons, but most are going to choose it because they feel at home. One of our biggest services in the student and multifamily housing industry is apartment lifestyle videos. Oliv Tempe came to us looking to highlight what life was like on the property and in the surrounding community:

You like can already envision embedding this on your site or sharing it on social, but there are actually a few more marketing ideas to lease up apartments. Download our free lease-up marketing guide for more apartment lease up ideas.


10. Meet your tenants’ needs

Every tenant is different and wants to consume info differently. Create content in various mediums to suit the needs of whomever comes across your property (physically or digitally).

Need more marketing ideas for apartment lease ups? Download our free guide now to DOUBLE your lease-up rates in just 4 weeks!



P.S. We aren’t gaslighting you… that’s a real statistic from real clients we’ve worked with!


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