iPhone vs. Professional Video Camera


I hear this one all the time. I think I will just shoot my video with my iPhone or iPad and then post it on YouTube. That should work, right? Well… not so fast! Please don’t misunderstand. Just because I founded a Video Marketing Company in Phoenix (Point in Time Studios), doesn’t mean that I don’t like to shoot and post family videos from my phone. However, there is a time and place for everything. With the advent of HD technology, now in the palm of your hand, it seems that everyone is now a Cinematographer. One of my mentors from LA once told me, “Rami, you can give Steven Spielberg a cheap little camera and he will always produce a better film then some amateur with a $100,000 camera – It’s about the Story.” This comment has always stayed with me through the years as more and more people are filming content on their own. Some video companies might have viewed this as a threat; however, we saw it as an opportunity. With more people using their camera phones to film, video is a very hot topic now days. This lends itself toward an opportunity to teach others on how to properly leverage videos online.

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Nike, for example, will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a high-end YouTube campaign and then you will see them post short, little iPhone videos. Why? They are telling a story. This is all part of a very smart Marketing campaign. They are telling a story from the customers perspective, using the iPhone video to provide a raw look, from their customers. We did something similar for American Idol star Jordan Sparks. We would use our full HD crew to follow her for a few days, but give her a small flip-cam for when she was driving and wanted to address her fans directly. The fans loved it!

But be careful, just because you see some large companies using iPhones to create their videos, doesn’t mean you should. Remember, this is all part of their Online Marketing Campaign. There is a strategy behind this. Online Video conversion rates are approximately 60 – 80%. However, the video has to speak to your target audience. If you have a well developed brand and your customer expects a high-quality video, you had better deliver one or you will risk loosing them by producing something on the cheap.

Remember, it’s not about the technology that is being used, it is about the Creative Strategy behind it. Creating great film will always be about “Telling a Great Story!”

Rami Kalla Owner / Founder Point in Time Studios [email protected] T: (480) 237-1267

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