How Virtual Reality Will Change the World in 2022 & Beyond

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It’s no secret that virtual reality has taken people by storm. Virtual reality (VR) has unlocked a whole new world of possibilities, but how will this affect life as we know it? Continue reading to learn about 5 ways virtual reality will change the world we live in, far beyond gaming.


Virtual reality allows a more hands-on approach to training. It will provide simulated learning experiences, mirroring those an employee will face in real-life. These simulations are specifically great for employees learning how to operate expensive machinery, like those used in the Army and Air Force, without the risk of harming themselves or the machine. This type of training has also become popular among surgeons. Since surgery is such a delicate craft, it is helpful for a surgeon to practice the technique they will use on a patient. Knowing exactly what to do beforehand cuts down on operating time and the number of possible mistakes during surgery. By utilizing VR in employee training, they will be better prepared for every situation they may face in the workforce, resulting in higher customer and employee satisfaction.


By using virtual reality, a student will be able to take field trips corresponding to their lesson, whether it’s to 18th century England or to the moon, all without leaving the classroom. This would save not only a student’s time, but also the instructor’s and the school’s time. VR could also take students where no human have ever gone before. A virtual reality app called The Body VR lets students explore the human body and teaches them about cells and different aspects of the bloodstream. This level of engagement would not be possible without the help of virtual reality. VR is becoming more readily available, and with the benefits that it has in the classroom, this type of VR usage is expected to grow.


Many people have found advertising to be somewhat manipulative. They feel that the advertiser is trying to trick them into buying a product. Well, things could get even more manipulative in the world of virtual reality. Imagine this: you are exploring the virtual universe when a computer agent appears. They look similar to you and have many of the same mannerisms as you. They start talking to you about a particular product that they like and you start thinking that this product sounds great. Did you come to that conclusion by yourself or were you subtly influenced? This scenario could be in our future and although it might seem obvious that the computer agent was trying to persuade you, it isn’t always so black and white. Studies prove that people can be more open to suggestions from individuals who share the same traits as themselves and companies could start cashing in on this knowledge using VR. There are many algorithms that could take this information and create a computer agent that is modeled after you. This level of persuasion would be virtually undetectable but still have a significant impact. This is definitely something to think about as we start letting virtual reality play a larger role in our lives.


VR has become very popular in real estate because it increases convenience and enhances the buyers’ experience. It is a great tool for out of town buyers and those looking to buy units that are still under construction because without VR, these buyers would not be able to see the property in all of its glory. Virtual reality also increases the buyer’s sense of community by letting them virtually explore the community and experience what it would be like to live there. This immersive experience helps the buyer connect to the property and its community on a deeper level. One-day, in-person home tours may be a thing of the past. People might even be able to put on a headset and visit open houses from their living room. Nonetheless, one thing is certain, VR has changed the real estate market and will continue to shape it for years to come. [spacer height=”100″]

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Therapy has come a long way in the last 50 year and it continues to advance thanks to virtual reality. Therapists are able to help treat their patients like they never have before. Using VR, a patient can work through their traumas and phobias in a safe, controlled environment that is monitored by their therapist. Virtual reality is also a great tool for helping patients with high-functioning autism overcome many obstacles. A therapist can choose a scenario, such as different social situations, and coach the patient about how to interact with others through these simulated encounters. The effect of VR is this field will be dramatic, as more ways to help patients is uncovered. This could lead to a healthier population that is less dependent on drugs to cope with their problems. Virtual reality is reshaping the world that we know. While some are hesitant to accept VR into their life, others are recognizing the potential benefits of this technology. Whether you like it or not, two things are certain: virtual reality is not going anywhere and its impact will be felt in all aspects of our lives.

Please visit us at or call us at 800.208.1267 for more information and to subscribe to our weekly blog and video posts for more on virtual reality. We hope you found this valuable. 800.208.1267 LA•PHX




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