How to Write a Video Creative Brief [2022]

man writing video creative brief using point in time studios template

As you begin the process of creating your video, you’re going to need as many details as possible. You will especially need to know your needs, goals, and target audience. These elements will be instrumental to the planning and execution of your video, and will help make the process go by smoothly.

The best way to compile all of these aspects into one place is to create a video creative brief. A creative brief is going to help you keep track of everything you need. If you’re working with a video production company, this will help guide them as they begin to plan for your video. The more specific you can be, the better the company can assess your needs and decide how to begin writing a video creative brief.

How to Write a Video Creative Brief

A detailed and efficient video creative brief should include all of the following:

Step 1: Determining Target Audience

Each video you make must have a specific audience it is geared toward. These audiences can be as broad or narrow as you want them to be, depending on what it is you are advertising. A more narrow focus will allow your video to be more impactful to a specific core group of people, while a wider audience will ensure that it is seen by more.

Detailing your ideal audience in the creative brief is important, as it will allow the production company to better understand the overall purpose of your video. Their understanding of your goals will help them to make the best and most efficient decisions throughout the process.

Step 2: Sharing Your Goals

A key element of creating any video, of course, is deciding what you want it to accomplish. Whether you intend for the video to simply create brand awareness or to generate more sales, your entire video will be formed around this goal. Since this aspect of the brief is so important, it is best that it’s as specific as possible.

Step 3: Decide Upon Your Primary Message

The primary message of a video serves as its thesis statement. This is the core of your video, and should be relayed in no more than a couple of sentences.

A message is different from a goal, in that it should be how you deliver the goal to your audience. If your goal is asking something of your audience, then your message needs to convince your audience why they should listen. Your message will help your audience decide whether or not they want to help you accomplish your goal.

Step 4: Choose The Type of Video

There are several video types that can be utilized when selling your product or service. From commercials to product videos, each type has its own purpose. Choosing the correct one will be instrumental to the success of your video.

Not only will the format of your video determine how your content is delivered, but it will also play a huge role in the creation of your budget, timeline, and distribution plan. It’s important to make this decision early on, as it will help answer many questions surrounding other aspects of your video.

Step 5: Figuring out Distribution

You can work closely with your video production company to decide upon the means of distribution. Different videos may require saving and exporting in different formats, which can often change where you’ll be able to upload it.

The way in which you want to use your video will determine where you post it and how it is distributed. Letting your production company know your plans for distribution early on will allow them to make the best post-production plan.

Step 6: Determining Your Deadline and Budget

The budget is going to be one of the most important parts of bringing your video to life. All of the previous steps will help you decide how big or small each particular budget will need to be. A higher budget can often equate to higher quality products and lengthier timelines. Lower budgets may guarantee a quicker delivery of your video, but can run the risk of being of lesser quality.

A deadline can help keep you on track for both your goals and your spending. Deciding the ideal timeline for your video will keep the process organized and streamlined.

Finishing Your Video Creative Brief

After you finish writing the video creative brief, you can hand it over to your production company. They will begin to formulate a plan based on it, and will do everything they can to follow it as closely as possible.

As the process continues, the company may need to make adjustments to the brief. If your piece of media isn’t turning out as expected, this will help you and the production company manage expectations. Your brief does not have to be set in stone as you begin the process, it simply needs to serve as a thorough outline for your video.

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