Behind The Scenes Video Marketing Tips for 2022

Social media has changed the way companies share information. It was created to connect people and help them exchange ideas, which has proven to be a useful tool for companies across the world, allowing them to interact with their audience in a way that wasn’t possible 15 years ago. The informality of “behind the scenes” (BTS) video content marries perfectly with social media’s sense of community by giving your audience a peek at what your company is really like. Companies who tap into this content have a unique opportunity to create a deep level of engagement with their audience and make them feel like they are a part of something special. How? Well, let’s find out!

Why Post Behind-the-Scenes Content on Social Media?

Peek Behind the Curtain

Instead of showing your audience the usual view of your business through finished products and planned posts, BTS content (whether it be photos, videos or both) lets your audience peak behind the curtain of your business and see what they wouldn’t see otherwise. This helps your audience feel special by giving them the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of everything that goes into your business and what makes you unique. Along with showing your audience a different side of your business, BTS content can help shorten the time between social media posts since the amount of time between finished products to post can vary. Strategies can involve both organic social media content, or behind the scenes advertising campaigns. Your audience can see a different view of your business and you can entertain your audience even if you don’t have anything ready that you would traditionally post.

Humanize your company

Letting your audience see who and what’s behind the screen lets them get to know the people that drive the company and encourages your audience to see the company as a group of interesting people. This humanizing of a company allows you connect with your audience in a deeper way, building a rapport with them, something that a faceless company may not be able to. Not to mention, showing off your company’s human-side can be really fun too! Bowling

Build Trust

Since behind-the-scenes content can feel more genuine, it can go a long way with establishing trust with your audience. When your audience feels like they know whom you are and that you are being transparent, they will believe more of what you have to say. This will help to show them that you have nothing to hide and have no ulterior motives for the content that you post. Now that we know why you should be posting behind the scenes on your social media, let’s look at the types of behind the scenes content you could post.

What Types of Behind-the-Scenes Content?

Team building & Company Events

Many offices have regular events or social meetings, which can create very interesting content. Chances are that if you enjoyed yourself, it will come through in the photos or video and your audience will recognize it. Examples:

  • Workshops
  • Holiday parties
  • Lunch meetings
  • Happy hours


If something new and noteworthy is going on at your company, your audience will probably want to know about it, so give them an update on anything different or upcoming. Examples:

  • Updates on projects
  • Moving locations
  • Company renovations or expansions


This can be one of the most exciting types of behind the scenes content because your audience is seeing the professional at work, possibly in real-time. Examples (Dependent on job function):

  • Doing what you and your team does best


People are curious by nature and sharing information about who makes up the heart of the company is a fun way to interact and build connections with your audience. Examples:

  • New hire bios
  • Employee birthdays
  • Fun facts
  • Office pets

Behind-the-scenes photos and videos show your audience a side of your company that other content cannot, the more human side. Building a human connection with your audience fosters a deeper trust than that of a traditional post. And an added bonus is that BTS content can be a lot cheaper to produce than other content posted on your social media! That sounds like a win-win!

For more ideas about content for your business, please visit us at and to subscribe to our weekly blog and video posts. We hope you found this valuable. Source: GM Design


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