3 Reasons Why Your Video Marketing Isn’t Working

It’s no secret that video marketing is an essential part of your advertising. But with over 500 million hours of video watched on YouTube every day, it can be challenging to get your video marketing to stand out to your target audience.

Even businesses with the biggest budgets can see their video marketing campaign tank if they don’t take the right measures. There’s a good chance you might be making some common mistakes with your own marketing strategies. That said, here are a few potential reasons why your company’s video marketing campaign just isn’t working out.

  1. Your objectives aren’t clear. The first step of your video marketing campaign ought to be clarifying your objectives. You need to know who your video is intended to help, what problem your products or services will solve in the video, and how you’ll measure the success of your video marketing. Without clear objectives, you’re shooting into the dark.
  2. You’re not direct enough. It’s essential to the success of your video marketing campaign that you don’t treat your videos like they’re movies. Your target audience isn’t sitting down to enjoy your cinematography no matter how much effort you put into it. They have somewhere to be. That means your video needs to provide them with educational content that couldn’t have been delivered any other way. Have you ever attended a meeting that could have been an email? Your target audience should never feel that way with your videos. Make sure you’re direct and to the point with your message.
  3. You’re not prepared. When you make a video marketing campaign, it’s important to be prepared before you start filming. You want to know what scenes you need to shoot, what equipment you need to have, how many actors you need on hand, and how long your video will be. If you’re not prepared, you could end up sacrificing a lot of time on a video with no clear purpose. Even worse, you could end up with a video with poor sound and visual quality.

With a full-service video production on your side, you can stress less about the success of your video marketing campaigns. Point in Time Studios is a full-service video production company that offers a wide array of services from virtual reality video production to animation. To learn more about our video production services and what we can do for your business, contact Point in Time Studios today.


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