How to Create a Corporate Video in 5 Steps

how to create a corporate video

An important goal of marketing is being able to stand out amongst your competitors. Setting yourself apart from other brands can be helped out by creating a unique corporate video. Video is one of the most popular methods of creative marketing, and can be incredibly effective when it comes to promoting your brand. When determining how to create a corporate video, the options are extensive and can be intense if you aren’t sure where to start. These five tips will help set you on the right track to making your video come to life.

Before reading on, Point in Time Studios specializes in creating professional corporate videos, completely custom to your needs. Contact us today to get a quote.


5 Steps to Creating a Corporate Video


1. Determine Your Video’s Purpose

The first step to creating a great corporate video is deciding why you’ll be making it. The more focused your overall purpose is, the better. This will serve as a guide throughout the entire process. It will inform each decision you make along the way, ensuring that every element of your video fulfills your goal.

A purpose could be as simple as raising awareness for your company, or it could be intended to increase your sales. Regardless of what your goal might be, it will serve as the framework for the entire video. Make sure it is as detailed as possible as you begin creating the video.


2. Devise A Plan to Create a Corporate Video

A corporate video can be difficult to make under any circumstance, but it becomes even more so when you do not approach the process with a plan. Your pre-production decisions will lay the foundation for each decision made during production and post-production. The more work you put into your plan, the smoother the overall process will be.

The plan can include a number of things, from locking in your crew to securing locations. It is also where the script is drafted and then finalized. Your post-production plan should be determined here, from who will be editing the video to when it should be completed by. All of these steps are essential to crafting a coherent video, as well as making the process as painless as possible.


3. Have Your Corporate Video Filmed

Once the plan is in place and the goal is determined, it’s time to create your video! The production process can be as long or as short as you need, whether that be a day or a week. With a solid plan, your crew should know their tasks as the process begins.

Depending on your budget, the crew can be just a one-man band, or it can be an entire team of people. This depends on how extensive you want your video to be. It also will be decided by the constraints of your budget. A larger budget will allow you to hire more crew members, as well as shoot for more days.

All of these decisions will have been made during pre-production. By the time you reach production, all focus should be on the quality of the footage you capture.


4. Edit Your Video

Editing is where your video finally comes together. The editing team will be aware of the vision, tone, and theme by the time the footage reaches them. Depending on the needs of your production, as well as the amount of footage captured, the editing process could take a couple of weeks or more than a month.

If you are employing any form of animation, visual effects, or 3D modeling, the process will be lengthier. It’s important that the editor(s) are aware of the expectations and details of the project by the time they begin. They should also know their deadlines in advance. Pre-production will be instrumental in deciding all of these aspects.


5. Distribute Your Corporate Video

The purpose of your corporate video will determine where you release it. The type of video will also help you as you make your decision. If you are raising awareness for your company, it might be beneficial to air it as a commercial. While expensive, this method has a far wider reach than most others.

Simple advertisements can be posted to social media, where they will easily reach their target audiences. Videos such as product explainers or tutorials will be best utilized on your company website, as customers will need to see them during the purchasing process.

Distribution will need to be factored into your plan and budget, so decide ahead of time where you think your video will be most useful!

There are many steps and details that go into planning a corporate video. While an extensive process, it is incredibly useful for expanding the reach of your product or service. A detailed plan will help simplify the production process. By the time all of the above steps are completed, you should have a great corporate video that will produce results for your company!

For more information on how Point In Time Studios can support your corporate video production, contact us to get a quote today!


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