What is Multi-Camera?

point in time studios production team visually answering the question. what is multi camera

The multiple-camera setup is a video production method where several cameras record or broadcast a scene at the same time.

The concept of multi-camera filming is simple: multiple cameras are used during a shoot to film one subject. In execution, however, a multi-camera setup can be very difficult if not done correctly. An incorrect setup could make it hard to edit the video together, leading to possible reshoots.

In order to avoid any problems with a multi-cam setup once you reach post-production, it’s important to understand what multi-camera is exactly!


Types of Multi-Camera Filming


For a standard multi-camera shoot, there will tend to be around four, give or take, cameras filming one single subject. The main camera, A-Cam, will be utilized for your master shot. Typically, this is a wide-shot that allows viewers to see every bit of action. The other cameras (B-Cam, C-Cam, and so forth) are used to capture close-ups on your subject.

If you are filming a lecture video, as we often do at Point in Time Studios, a multi-camera setup is hugely beneficial. You can capture far more footage in a day, as you won’t need to move the camera for each new shot.


Read also > Single Camera vs Multi Camera


While the standard setup is the most utilized, there are other uses for multi-camera filming. Another popular usage is filming for live events. A multi-camera shoot is almost essential for these types of projects, as there will be no opportunity to move any of the cameras once the event begins.

For live events, though, the setup is not quite as simple. There is extra equipment required for filming a live event. Before you begin filming, ensure that your cameras have either an SDI or an HDMI input. This will allow the cameras to send your footage straight to a vision mixer, where an operator can cut between cameras as needed.


Reasons to Use Multi-Camera


As mentioned above, a live shoot is perfect for multi-camera setups. There are no second takes when it comes to live filming, and thus multiple cameras are almost necessary. This will allow your team to get all the coverage they need, without facing any obstacles with moving or adjusting camera locations.

Live events are not the only times a multi-camera setup can be utilized, though! If you have a lot of footage to cover in a short amount of time, multiple cameras can save you a lot of time. Without having to move the camera, you could potentially save hours of production time. The time you save by not having to set up another camera and then light for the new setup can instead be used for actual filming. If done right, multiple cameras means even more footage, less time spent on filming, and money saved!


Reasons Not to Use Multi-Camera


If you are filming a quick interview, or something like a product video, then there is no real need for multiple cameras. This means you’ll have to adjust your lighting and setups, but with less footage needed in the first place, you likely won’t have much of a time crunch anyway. Instead, you’ll be spending more money than necessary for such a simple video.

If using a multi-camera doesn’t save you time and make sense for your budget, then a single camera setup is the way to go for your production.

Multi-camera setups can be hugely beneficial for your project. If done correctly, they can save you both time and money. Not every shoot needs one of these setups, though, so make sure you understand your needs before you enter production!

As you plan during the pre-production phase, you will gain a better understanding of what exactly your production requires. Make sure to use this time wisely. Consider creating a video creative brief to help you get started. The more prepared you are for your production days, the more you’ll understand exactly what you need!


Contact Point in Time Studios today for help creating professional videos for your business. Get a custom quote now > https://pointintimestudios.com/contact-us/.


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